Introduction to Kids Birthday Party Etiquette

When you are throwing a birthday party for your child, there are many things to think about. An easy way to get most of your questions answered is to follow a modern birthday party etiquette.


  1. You Don’t Have to Invite the Whole Class

Unless you have enough money and patience to deal with dozens of kids running around your house or backyard, you have a right to limit the number of guests. Sit down with your child (if they are old enough, of course) and make a list of guests to invite.

  1. Send Out Invitations Using 21st century Technologies

There is absolutely no reason to mail cards. In the 21st century, an e-mail invite is more than enough. You can also send invites via Facebook, WhatsApp or whatever other means of communication you and the kids’ parents use.

  1. Insist on RSVPing

If you don’t get a reply a week after you send an invitation, you have the right to call and insist on RSVPing. You need to know whether little Johnny, Timmy or Katie are coming, otherwise, you can’t plan properly.

  1. Feed the Parents

Not all parents are ready to leave their kids in your house, especially if the children still wear diapers. Accordingly, besides entertaining a dozen kids, you need to accommodate a dozen adults. You have to arrange food for the parents as well.

  1. Avoid Opening The Gifts

Birthday party etiquette has changed over the past 100 years. The modern tradition doesn’t require you to open the gifts when the guests are still there. This approach saves you a lot of time and allows you to avoid the hassle of broken toys, as well as inappropriate (even if 100 % honest) reactions from your kid.

  1. Write “Thank You” Notes

Involve your child in writing “thank you” notes. Even if the kid can’t write yet, a drawing will do. The earlier you teach your child the party etiquette, the more fun he or she can have in the future.

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