Useful Makeup Tips For Corporate Parties, Part 1

Corporate parties are often arranged right after the workday is over, so girls don’t have much time to deal with the makeup before they need to go out and do some dancing. The makeup you wear to a party substantially differs from whatever you put on your face before going to the office. We came up with a few smart makeup tips to help you go from work to play with the least effort.


  1. Start Early

Do some basic makeup application in the morning or during a lunch break. Leave only the touchups for the evening. Remember, even if you plan to go to the bathroom to put on the makeup 30 minutes before the workday is over, you might be faced with some unpleasant surprises, such as urgent matters.

The foundation, the sunscreen, and the concealer can be applied several hours before the party starts. The same goes for the long-lasting and waterproof mascara.

  1. Carry two Lipstick Colors With You

When you apply the lipstick at home, it might look different in the office. The color of the lipstick depends on the outfit you are wearing and the lighting conditions around you. So make sure to take lighter and darker shades of lipstick to the office, so you have something to choose from.

If you follow the first advice and do most of the makeup basics beforehand, you’ll need to wear some lipstick to the office as well. Go for a light hue.

  1. Use Eyebrow Gel

If you have sparse eyebrows, an eyebrow gel can completely change the way you look. If your goal is to turn from a respectable office lady into the queen of the evening, the eyebrow gel can do the trick.

To Be Continued…

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