How to Overcome the Fear of Clowns

Clowns are one of the oldest forms of entertainment for children. However, many adults in the modern world suffer from the fear of clowns. There are many reasons for such seemingly strange phobia, including the Hollywood horror movies and childhood traumas that stem from being left without parents.


Clown phobia has a special name, coulrophobia. The treatment of this condition depends on how severe it is.

Some people might need to visit a therapist to get the fear under control while others just have to learn a few tricks. These methods might not help the first time you use them, but they can yield positive results over time. If you dedicate yourself to fighting this fear, you can change your view of clowns within a couple of months.

  • When you see a clown, close your eyes, and take 10 deep breaths.
  • Imagine yourself in a relaxing place, such as a beach, where there are no clowns.
  • Tell yourself that a clown is just a regular person, who isn’t scary and can’t do anything to hurt you.
  • Commend yourself by quickly reacting and avoiding an attack.

Since clowns can be found virtually everywhere, be it the TV, the movies or at a store, people with coulrophobia have a lot to cope with. If you don’t want to deal with the fear of clowns for the rest of your life, you need to control the panic attacks before they start. If the simple tricks aren’t helping, you need to go to a therapist, who can help deal with your particular case. Sometimes, just a few sessions help people overcome the fear of clowns forever.

If you don’t want your children to suffer from the fear of clowns, make sure you never leave them alone with these entertainers until they are old enough to understand that the parents will come back. Meanwhile, try to keep them from watching horror movies for as long as possible.

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