Should You Bring a Date to A Wedding? Part 1

Wedding rules are complicated. Even if you’ve attended a dozen of them, you might be faced with numerous questions for the next one. If it’s your best friend getting married, you can always call up the buddy and ask a straightforward question. But what if you got invited to your boss’s or your aunt’s second cousin’s wedding? There are few rules you have to follow. Several of them have to do with bringing a date. Here are a few tips.


  1. Don’t Bring a Date Unless The Invitation Said So

You know that your significant other is an integral part of your life. You feel as if you just can’t go anywhere without her (or him) by your side.  Believe us, you can. Especially to a wedding that the bride and groom don’t expect you to bring a date.

Weddings are costly endeavors and each guest counts. By bringing an extra person, you’ll make the bride and groom feel nervous. Meanwhile, you might face such difficulties as the absence of extra plates and chairs for the unaccounted guest.

Tip: If you can’t imagine going one day without your loved one, call the bride or groom at least a month before the wedding to ask if you can bring a date.

  1. If The Invitation Says +1 and You Don’t Have a Date, Bring a Friend

When you are in a reverse situation and don’t have a date, there is no reason to show up alone. Since the invitation offers you a chance to bring someone, take it! Weddings can be rather boring when you don’t know too many people. Having a friend at your side is a big advantage. Together you can have fun even if the wedding is rather dry.

To be continued…

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