Party Hosting Mistakes You Can Avoid. Part 1

You’ve planned your party perfectly, hired the right entertainment, made a great deal with the caterer, set up the decorations, called up the neighbors, and feel ready to start the festivities. If you think that the hassle ends there, you are mistaken. Hosting a party is a tough job, and there are few mistakes that hosts tend to make without even knowing. Let’s take a look at a few of them.


  1. Becoming a Bartender

Even if you host a big party, serving drinks to your guests shouldn’t become your responsibility. Unless you are hosting a theme party and your role is a bartender, don’t spend all of your free time mixing cocktails.

Think about this matter in advance and have all the drinks and the ingredients available for the guests to self-serve. Make sure to announce the free fridge access so no one feels shy about pouring themselves a glass of beer.

  1. Forgetting about Music

Music is one of the most important parts of party entertainment. If you want to forget about the music, hire a DJ. But unless you have some help, you need to always remember about the playlist.

Make sure to prepare it beforehand based on your own preferences and the theme of the party. Always have some backup tracks in case someone is not satisfied. Remember, even a formal dinner party requires certain music.

  1. Not Introducing The Guests

If some people, who are coming to your party, don’t know each other, it’s up to you to make the introductions. Saying, “this is John and this is Betty” is not enough. You have to be ready to help such guests make small talk for at least a couple of minutes before leaving them alone. While introducing them, make sure to mention something they might have in common.

To be continued…

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